Here And Now

Prairie Anthem

Inspired by the speed of time, which I find speeds up as I get older, I thought this message was relevant for me and anyone else who wants to hear it.

How often do we languish the past, or focus on living for tomorrow only to find ourselves cheated out of the opportunities of the moment? It happens to all of us. I’m not saying we shouldn’t
Inspired by the speed of time, which I find speeds up as I get older, I thought this message was relevant for me and anyone else who wants to hear it.

How often do we languish the past, or focus on living for tomorrow only to find ourselves cheated out of the opportunities of the moment? It happens to all of us. I’m not saying we shouldn’t remember the past or plan for the future, but maybe it comes down to how much time is spent on doing this. Opportunities/chances are sometimes staring us right in the face in this very moment like a gift and if we aren’t present, they just slip away.

So, some advice from a not-so-wise man: “Embrace every moment time will allow, because this may be our only chance, right here in the here and now”.
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  1. Here And Now

A Single Drop Of Rain

Prairie Anthem

We have no control over where we enter this world. This thought prompted me to use the analogy of a single drop of rain, falling and randomly landing, wherever. Some are fortunate to land in a nice soft, loving home while others land in less fortunate places, like a “hurricane”. When we are young we are at the mercy of those raising us and the
We have no control over where we enter this world. This thought prompted me to use the analogy of a single drop of rain, falling and randomly landing, wherever. Some are fortunate to land in a nice soft, loving home while others land in less fortunate places, like a “hurricane”. When we are young we are at the mercy of those raising us and the circumstances that surround us. Sometimes this is good, sometimes not. Our early view of life and ourselves is often dictated by this experience.

Even later in life, some end up in circumstances that somehow take control of their lives. It might be a negative relationship or experience. These experiences can often leave us feeling helpless, defenseless and at the “mercy of the wind”, due to no fault of our own.

My intent is to make this is a song of hope! Hoping that in spite of these negative experiences, the day will arrive when we see the world and ourselves through our own eyes, allowing us to take control and overthrow the past. Assigning a gender seemed to add value to the song, but this can truly apply to any gender. I use the word “overthrown”, because I believe its descriptive of the feeling of a real hard fought battle for change.
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Here's To Truth

Prairie Anthem

This is just me having some fun with the concept of truth and related statements regarding it. Like most concepts there is serious debate about its definition. Is it subjective or objective? Is it relative or absolute? I’ll leave those questions to the great philosophers. I have my thoughts, but I will just say, in my Mark Twain voice, “I don’t
This is just me having some fun with the concept of truth and related statements regarding it. Like most concepts there is serious debate about its definition. Is it subjective or objective? Is it relative or absolute? I’ll leave those questions to the great philosophers. I have my thoughts, but I will just say, in my Mark Twain voice, “I don’t know what the truth is, I just know it’s always true”!

Truth is a friend to some, but sure causes a lot of trouble for others. Has anything been more manipulated than truth? Yet, some believe it can set them free. It’s used in our legal system to ensure truth is spoken. Ya, sure, placing that hand on the Good Book and raising your right hand will always guarantee the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Don’t get me wrong, I believe truth is important and in all seriousness I believe it’s a good thing, “so I’ve told some in my time”!
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Autumn In The Northland

Prairie Anthem

Autumn has always been my favorite time of year. In the northland there’s something special about the beautiful vibrant and contrasting colors in the trees, the air, the sky and fields. Oh, and that big ‘ol harvest moon….It’s a time of harvest and Halloween pranks, a time to honor soldiers and a time for giving thanks.

I have many fond memories
Autumn has always been my favorite time of year. In the northland there’s something special about the beautiful vibrant and contrasting colors in the trees, the air, the sky and fields. Oh, and that big ‘ol harvest moon….It’s a time of harvest and Halloween pranks, a time to honor soldiers and a time for giving thanks.

I have many fond memories associated with Fall/Autumn in the northland from playing outside when I was younger to taking walks or car and bike rides in my later years.

In the northland, we have a variety of seasons. I love them all and enjoy what each season brings. You might choose another, but Autumn gives me something no other season does.
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Prairie Anthem

These 12 songs are a compilation of singles that have been released over the past couple of years on streaming services. The pandemic changed things for us. Playing it safe, we decided to not record in a studio as we did on our first album, but opted to utilize our home studios. We recorded and mixed remotely, sharing files and ideas. The sound
These 12 songs are a compilation of singles that have been released over the past couple of years on streaming services. The pandemic changed things for us. Playing it safe, we decided to not record in a studio as we did on our first album, but opted to utilize our home studios. We recorded and mixed remotely, sharing files and ideas. The sound engineering/mixing required a huge learning curve for both of us that continues to this day. We also developed a healthy respect for the professionals!

As for the album title, we looked for themes or threads that ran through each song. Because we wrote, recorded and mixed these songs in our homes it seemed fitting to title it “Homemade”.

Finally, we would like to offer a special thanks to our families who encourage and support our music and to our “groupie friends” who loyally show up at our gigs and request our songs. This is a very satisfying and fun ride!
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The Farmhouse

Prairie Anthem

On this debut album release, the duo Prairie Anthem, explores simple truths about home, family and life's lessons. Their guitar interplay and tight vocal harmonies create a unique musical platform for their lyrics. Adding guest artists contributing mandolin, fiddle, pedal steel, bass, drums and percussion to select tracks serves to sweeten and
On this debut album release, the duo Prairie Anthem, explores simple truths about home, family and life's lessons. Their guitar interplay and tight vocal harmonies create a unique musical platform for their lyrics. Adding guest artists contributing mandolin, fiddle, pedal steel, bass, drums and percussion to select tracks serves to sweeten and spice their tasty songs.
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Six String Salute

Prairie Anthem

Throughout our country’s history people have served to protect and defend us. Without these good people making the sacrifice we would not enjoy our freedom. This song is dedicated to those who have served in war and peacetime and their loved ones, who also make their own sacrifices.

I used a couple cliché’s, but they ring true for me. “Freedom
Throughout our country’s history people have served to protect and defend us. Without these good people making the sacrifice we would not enjoy our freedom. This song is dedicated to those who have served in war and peacetime and their loved ones, who also make their own sacrifices.

I used a couple cliché’s, but they ring true for me. “Freedom isn’t free” and “All gave some and some gave all”, say it best and most folks can relate. I wanted to include the loved ones because they too make their own kind of sacrifice for our freedom.

In the end this song is just a straightforward heartfelt simple tribute, a thank you and an expression of my gratitude to the service men and women and their loved ones. I will never forget!
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Prairie Anthem

You may ask, what inspired this song? Due to the proliferation of social media, news outlets evolving into opinion-based formats, and a world where we are bombarded with information and issues of the day, is it any wonder that there is an abundance of opinions? Is it also any wonder that there is so much divisiveness amongst us?

I believe
You may ask, what inspired this song? Due to the proliferation of social media, news outlets evolving into opinion-based formats, and a world where we are bombarded with information and issues of the day, is it any wonder that there is an abundance of opinions? Is it also any wonder that there is so much divisiveness amongst us?

I believe opinions are an important part of our life. For me, they guide me in my daily decisions, help to keep me safe, cause me to take action or not, etc. One definition of opinions I found is, “a belief based on experience and on certain fact, but not amounting to sure knowledge”. I find this true in my life. I have changed my opinions many times based on new information. I think opinions are where we intersect or disconnect. It is the place where we agree, disagree, seek common ground and possibly grow.

So how/why do opinions become a lightning rod and cause such a wide divide at times? Speaking for myself, it’s when they are expressed with negative overtones like hate, ridicule and lies. I don’t mind a debate, but I won’t engage with those who won’t accept the principles of decency and mutual respect. Is it really necessary to denigrate the person with opposing views to express your own? I admit I fall short many times, but as hard as it may be, I try to give respect to the person holding an opposing view. Writing this song, helped me sort out issues having to do with opinions. Hope it does the same for you…. even if you disagree.
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  1. Opinions


Prairie Anthem

As humans, we share certain characteristics, but there is only one of us. We are truly all originals. There never has been, nor will be, another one of you or me. Everything from our smile to our DNA makes us unique. We interpret our own reality, based on what we learn from independent thought and the things we’ve been taught and it helps shape
As humans, we share certain characteristics, but there is only one of us. We are truly all originals. There never has been, nor will be, another one of you or me. Everything from our smile to our DNA makes us unique. We interpret our own reality, based on what we learn from independent thought and the things we’ve been taught and it helps shape our personality.

From birth to death, we have an opportunity to leave our mark on humanity. I not only think about the effect we have during our lifetime, but also what we leave for future generations. Some take advantage of this gift of opportunity and others squander it.

We come in different shapes and size, different color hair and eyes; differences in gender, age and race. Regardless of our internal thoughts and beliefs and outward physical appearances, we are wonders, one and all! I believe that if we give a greater value to these differences and if we share a sacred bond of unity, we as a human race, are stronger exponentially!
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  1. Originals


Prairie Anthem

Inspired by the many dimensions, possibilities and unexpected nature of love and relationships. When it comes to love, you never know. This couple seems to have lost theirs. In their search, the guy is offering up some places to look and encouraging an open mind about the many possibilities for what might have become of it and the potential
Inspired by the many dimensions, possibilities and unexpected nature of love and relationships. When it comes to love, you never know. This couple seems to have lost theirs. In their search, the guy is offering up some places to look and encouraging an open mind about the many possibilities for what might have become of it and the potential causes. Maybe it carelessly fell out of their grasp, or maybe one of them had a momentary lapse.

He talks in terms of “we” and “one of us” as if there is a possibility she may be at fault. He makes a passionate plea and explains that this has happened before and maybe they’ll find it again.

Lastly, he declares that it may not be either one’s fault. “Maybe someone came along and stole it: maybe we’ll never know the facts”. He can only hope. In desperation, he makes one last appeal, “when it comes to love you never know, you never know”. She listened, but did she buy it? Maybe…..
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  1. Maybe