Here And Now

Prairie Anthem

Inspired by the speed of time, which I find speeds up as I get older, I thought this message was relevant for me and anyone else who wants to hear it.

How often do we languish the past, or focus on living for tomorrow only to find ourselves cheated out of the opportunities of the moment? It happens to all of us. I’m not saying we shouldn’t
Inspired by the speed of time, which I find speeds up as I get older, I thought this message was relevant for me and anyone else who wants to hear it.

How often do we languish the past, or focus on living for tomorrow only to find ourselves cheated out of the opportunities of the moment? It happens to all of us. I’m not saying we shouldn’t remember the past or plan for the future, but maybe it comes down to how much time is spent on doing this. Opportunities/chances are sometimes staring us right in the face in this very moment like a gift and if we aren’t present, they just slip away.

So, some advice from a not-so-wise man: “Embrace every moment time will allow, because this may be our only chance, right here in the here and now”.
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  1. Here And Now